What to Wear for Photos {St. Louis, MO Family, Child, Tween Photographer}

Tween girl sunset photoshoot in St. Louis, MO at Lafayette Square Park

Here you are! You’ve booked your photo session, and you have a vision of what you want your images to look like. But what should you wear?! This is always the first question on people’s minds when they want professional photos. Now add a tween girl into the mix, and the search just became more difficult! You are going to need options…lots of options! Just don’t get discouraged because you may have to present an enormous amount of frogs, before the prince is chosen! Just hang in there and you’ll find the one! The winner we found for this shoot was from Shein. I love Shein for tween girls because there are tons of options to choose from and everything is affordable. I recommend ordering early though because shipping takes longer than other options. The dress in this post is linked HERE and also comes in red & black. Another go to store for tween girls is the Macy’s junior’s department. They have a huge variety and carry smaller sizes like 00-0 that can work for this age group. If you’re last minute, it’s a nice option for in-person shopping when there’s no time left for shipping. Also, sometimes Amazon comes through with some great options, and the returns are easy which is great. I also give a quick check on Zara and H&M. Once in awhile, I can find some unique, affordable options there. I never like to spend a ton on dresses for photoshoots. Let’s face it, we all know they’re most likely only going to wear it once. But of course, we still want it to look beautiful and photograph well. These stores have delivered for me time & again. I hope this helps you in your pursuit of putting a beautiful smile on your tween’s face. There’s no greater feeling than that! Check out Shein, Macy’s, Amazon, Zara & H&M for photo shoot dresses for tween girls!!

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