Andrew, Emma, & Nora {Godfrey, IL Family Child Photographer}

I got an email from an old friend from high school asking me to photograph her three kiddos while she was in town for a short while.? I was flattered and, of course, jumped at the chance.??I was so excited to see her again!? As soon as we arrived at the session, it was like stepping back in time!? We both felt like we looked just as we did in high school!? I told her not to look too closely…lol…i.e. wrinkles, post baby body, etc.? Anyway, we had the best time catching up and the greatest part was that I got to meet her children!? It is just amazing to see the?my old friend as a mom!??Sarah, it just meant the world to me to get to meet your adorable children and catch up with you!



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