Thea Newborn {St. Louis Newborn Photographer}

Introducing Newborn Thea!!! I had the privilege of photographing this beautiful baby girl in her home back in the Spring. She was a complete and perfect angel!! One of the really fun parts of photographing her was incorporating her fur siblings! The family’s two dogs & cat were cajoled to pose for me by Mom! Thanks to her, they did awesome! I get asked a lot about getting shots of the family pets with newborns. I always say, “I’ll try if I feel like it is safe.” I’ll never photograph a newborn with a pet in a way that I think could put the baby at risk. Usually parents are keenly aware of their pet’s personalities and how they’ll perform for photo sessions. I get a lot of information from them but as far as the posing goes, some shots are just not possible without a little photoshop magic. Editing out Mom’s hands supporting baby or Dad sitting close by just in case happens often. I love getting these shots and they are usually doable with a little bit of ingenuity!!

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