Newborn Emma: Should I Do a Studio or In-Home Newborn Session? {St. Louis, MO Newborn Child Family Photographer}

Welcome to the world, Miss Emma!!! One of my wonderful families welcomed their newest addition this summer! She is beautiful and has two of the sweetest big brothers to watch over her and keep her company. One of the big questions with newborn photography is deciding whether to do your newborn session in home or in studio. In this case, I packed up all of my goodies and went to Emma’s family home. There are a lot of factors to consider! Are there siblings to photograph? Are there pets that need to be in the photos? Do Mom & Dad want detail shots in the baby’s nursery? How far is the family home from the studio? How is Mom’s recovery going? The answers to the above questions led us to choose an in-home session for this family and it was the right call! With two big brothers and a dog at home that we hoped to include, bringing everyone to the studio would have been overwhelming. With an at home session, Grandma was even able to come and entertain the big brothers once their portion was complete! It’s truly a personal decision whether to photograph your newborn in your home or in my studio. I enjoy both and am happy to be able to offer both options to my clients. If you’re debating on which is best, reach out and I’d be happy to guide you to choose the best option for your growing family!!

Newborn baby girl at home with her new family.

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