College graduation is such an important moment to capture! It marks the culmination of years of hard work, perseverance & growth. A graduation session is an awesome way to commemorate this milestone! Mizzou’s campus in particular has some of the most iconic spots for grad sessions. From the Columns to Francis Quad to Jesse Hall, […]

Congratulations to these beautiful ladies on their graduation from SIUE last weekend!! College days may be coming to a close but there is much fun to be had & good times to look forward to for these roommates as they begin their post graduate endeavors! They are bright & beautiful & ready to start the […]

These lovely ladies are roommates at an incredible house on the campus of the University of Kentucky jokingly dubbed “The Clink”!! There are no bars or prison garb. It’s actually a fun & inviting space where these beautiful, smart women have spent hours studying, laughing, growing, making mistakes, learning from them and doing a whole […]

I’ve been beyond excited to share these photos of my gorgeous niece, Peyton!! She’s a University of Kentucky grad who’s heading off to Chicago to begin her career as a cardiac transplant ICU nurse in the transplant ICU! I can’t believe she’s this grown up & I’m so proud of her!!

Happy Graduation to my gorgeous, smart & talented niece! What could be more fun than commemorating this milestone with an amazing photoshoot around Mizzou’s campus in Columbia, Missouri!